Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay about Strategic Use of Dialogue in Euripides Medea
Strategic Use of Dialogue in Euripides Medea Euripides employs the technique of dialogue between two solo actors on stage throughout Medea to dramatize the core values underlying these conversations. In particular, through the conversations that Medea holds with three different males, she shows herself to be a person of great intellect. Females were rarely valued for their intelligence because the Athenians had a complacent pride in the superiority of the Greek masculinity (page 641 ). Men and women were considered to have very different roles in society with men being the far superior species. Thus, Euripides uses Medeas [Note the specific claim/thesis conversations with Kreon, Aigeus, and Jason to showcase her†¦show more content†¦Thus, Medea gains control of the conversation, and she is able to make Kreon conform to her agenda. Throughout this dialogue, Medea : I maintains her composure, which allows her intelligence to become apparent through her persuasive speech. Yet the way in which Medea boldly interacts with Kreon would most likely be a shocking sight for the audience. Remember that Kreon is the King of Corinth, the most powerful man in the nation-state. Yet Medea, a foreign woman, is standing before him in an attempt to persuade him to alter his decision about her exile. Furthermore, Medea manipulates their conversation, so that Kreon will verify her ultimate wish. As the importance of the discussion increases, the dialogue becomes a series of single lines spoken back and forth between Medea and Kreon. With the level of intensity rising, Medea first seems to plead with Kreon to allow her to remain in Corinth permanently. Kreon refuses the proposal because he knows her to be a powerful woman capable of great evils; however, she then states that her true desire is to stay in Corinth for this one day (337). This seems like a minor request to Kreon, so he surrenders his will and grants Medea the right to remain in Corinth for one more day. Thus, Kreon gives Medea the window of time that she needs to murder his young daughter and himself. Kreons decision will lead to his demise and is the stepping stone on which Medea will be able to accomplish her revenge in
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Online Dating Guide Moving From Internet Chat For...
The Online Dating Guide - Moving From Internet Chat to Real Life Love By Catherine R King | Submitted On January 27, 2014 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Catherine R King Of course, just because everyone has access to online dating it doesn t necessarily mean it s any easier to break the ice, woo a new partner, or find a steady boyfriend/girlfriend. Online dating is still dating, and it s just as easy to turn someone off via a text message as it is at a bar or nightclub. When you date online you do have the home field advantage. You might not even feel as nervous as on a face-to-face date since you get to keep a little bit of distance. However, before you get too comfortable and act the cyber-fool, there are a few basics in etiquette and dating strategies to remember. 10 Tips for Successful Online Dating 1. Upload a recent photo of yourself. No one appreciates talking to the you 20 years ago, or the Phantom behind the curtain that never reveals their face. Have the courtesy (and courage!) to show your face in a profile shot. 2. Don t focus too much on writing an honest profile, although lying is never an option. What a lot of inexperienced singles do isShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Digital Identification : An Analysis Of Virtual Surrogacy3268 Words  | 14 Pages Causes and Effects of Digital Identification: An analysis of Virtual Surrogacy Research Guide: Mrs Shruti Shetty Submitted by: Shray Agarwal Roll Number: 140702035 Introduction Imagine a world, not so far from today where an amalgamation of the Internet with human knowledge and ambition has formed ways of possibly doing everything sitting inside the World Wide Web. A way of life is completely possible by living in a Virtual self-figure that can do everything you can, possiblyRead MoreExploring Young People s Literacy Practices Across Corporate And User Produced Platforms6165 Words  | 25 Pagesuse. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
New Technology Free Essays
New technologies that are being developed by the minute provide great convenience to today’s people. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine going about one’s daily tasks without the help of new technologies. Thus, every aspect of modern living, such as transportation, education, banking, manufacturing, and communication depend on modern technologies. We will write a custom essay sample on New Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Aside from the conveniences brought about by newly developed technologies, there is a host of opportunities that come along with these technologies. However, alongside the various technologies that make modern living easier, serious dangers and threats are also being developed, either consciously or otherwise. These threats are often posed against the security of information, and commonly consist of viruses and worms. Certain criminal and immoral acts that have been committed as a response to new technologies, such as information theft, also pose a threat to the safety of data. These threats come in various forms, and can range from simple delays and additional cost to graver consequences such as theft of money and other property. Worse, the dangers brought about by new technology could lead to blackmail and revelation of trade secrets. These dangers pose serious threat, not only to individuals, but more importantly, to institutions, businesses, and the government. Confidential information that is obtained without authority from government sites could produce dire consequences. The government, because of its role in society, necessarily keeps loads of information about its citizens, its agencies, and its national security. These data are kept by the government to serve its various roles as protector of society and provider of basic needs and services. These data are also made available to the government because of its unique position, and are not meant to be made available to everyone. If vital information is leaked or brought into the hands of the wrong people, there is no limit to the kind of damage that can arise. Those individuals and organizations that are concerned with keeping their files private should take steps to protect their computer systems. Thus, there should be systems or individuals whose task it would be to protect computer systems and files from unauthorized access or from viruses. These reasons are the primary reasons why new courses are being offered in colleges and universities nowadays, which courses aim to train people on the business of ensuring the safety of computer information. One such field of specialization is called information assurance. The recent developments in information and computer technology and the resulting negative effects in the safety of businesses, institutions, and governments give rise to various opportunities to information assurance professionals. The field of information assurance involves people, policies, procedures, and computer equipment and programs that aim to protect information and computer systems. The development and proliferation of new viruses and worms and the discovery of new techniques of obtaining information without authority challenge information assurance professionals to similarly develop new ways of dealing with the risks and threats. Moreover, there is a continuing challenge to professionals in this field to evolve as fast as the other side is evolving. Information assurance professionals must always be prepared to counteract whichever step is taken by people who want to destroy existing computer infrastructure. Thus, there is always a challenge to information assurance professionals to be able to provide information as they are needed by the end users, maintain the integrity of the information, ensure the authenticity of information through verification methods, maintain the confidentiality of information, and provide proof of the integrity and origin of data. The growing complexity of computer infrastructure and the increased use and dependence on computer systems all over the world made information assurance a necessity. The duties of an information assurance, consisting mainly of closing loopholes that may be used by unscrupulous hackers, are exciting and interesting. Thus, it has become my heart’s desire to study information assurance so that I may learn the fundamentals of computer infrastructure. I want to learn how to create, develop, and maintain a system of checks and quality controls that could help organizations protect their valuable and confidential data. I want to be at the forefront of the fight against dishonorable abuses of the computing technology. I want to be an expert in detecting and controlling any unauthorized intrusion to an organization’s computer infrastructure. This way, I am able to serve a vital role in society, that of protecting privacy and integrity of valuable information. How to cite New Technology, Essay examples New technology Free Essays New technologies that are being developed by the minute provide great convenience to today’s people. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine going about one’s daily tasks without the help of new technologies. Thus, every aspect of modern living, such as transportation, education, banking, manufacturing, and communication depend on modern technologies. We will write a custom essay sample on New technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Aside from the conveniences brought about by newly developed technologies, there is a host of opportunities that come along with these technologies. However, alongside the various technologies that make modern living easier, serious dangers and threats are also being developed, either consciously or otherwise. These threats are often posed against the security of information, and commonly consist of viruses and worms. Certain criminal and immoral acts that have been committed as a response to new technologies, such as information theft, also pose a threat to the safety of data. These threats come in various forms, and can range from simple delays and additional cost to graver consequences such as theft of money and other property. Worse, the dangers brought about by new technology could lead to blackmail and revelation of trade secrets. These dangers pose serious threat, not only to individuals, but more importantly, to institutions, businesses, and the government. Confidential information that is obtained without authority from government sites could produce dire consequences. The government, because of its role in society, necessarily keeps loads of information about its citizens, its agencies, and its national security. These data are kept by the government to serve its various roles as protector of society and provider of basic needs and services. These data are also made available to the government because of its unique position, and are not meant to be made available to everyone. If vital information is leaked or brought into the hands of the wrong people, there is no limit to the kind of damage that can arise. Those individuals and organizations that are concerned with keeping their files private should take steps to protect their computer systems. Thus, there should be systems or individuals whose task it would be to protect computer systems and files from unauthorized access or from viruses. These reasons are the primary reasons why new courses are being offered in colleges and universities nowadays, which courses aim to train people on the business of ensuring the safety of computer information. One such field of specialization is called information assurance. The recent developments in information and computer technology and the resulting negative effects in the safety of businesses, institutions, and governments give rise to various opportunities to information assurance professionals. The field of information assurance involves people, policies, procedures, and computer equipment and programs that aim to protect information and computer systems. The development and proliferation of new viruses and worms and the discovery of new techniques of obtaining information without authority challenge information assurance professionals to similarly develop new ways of dealing with the risks and threats. Moreover, there is a continuing challenge to professionals in this field to evolve as fast as the other side is evolving. Information assurance professionals must always be prepared to counteract whichever step is taken by people who want to destroy existing computer infrastructure. Thus, there is always a challenge to information assurance professionals to be able to provide information as they are needed by the end users, maintain the integrity of the information, ensure the authenticity of information through verification methods, maintain the confidentiality of information, and provide proof of the integrity and origin of data. The growing complexity of computer infrastructure and the increased use and dependence on computer systems all over the world made information assurance a necessity. The duties of an information assurance, consisting mainly of closing loopholes that may be used by unscrupulous hackers, are exciting and interesting. Thus, it has become my heart’s desire to study information assurance so that I may learn the fundamentals of computer infrastructure. I want to learn how to create, develop, and maintain a system of checks and quality controls that could help organizations protect their valuable and confidential data. I want to be at the forefront of the fight against dishonorable abuses of the computing technology. I want to be an expert in detecting and controlling any unauthorized intrusion to an organization’s computer infrastructure. This way, I am able to serve a vital role in society, that of protecting privacy and integrity of valuable information. How to cite New technology, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to Think free essay sample
Have you ever got interested by the ideas or examples that other people and their own experiences that they shares with public? Well, here is one that I heard and got me interested. I am mostly agreed with the ideas or examples given by Kie Ho in the article â€Å"We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to Think†Fist thing I agree with Ho is the freedom to freely think, write and be creative. I like it when Ho mentions that we might not have the vest education standard but we have the best school for students to share their ideas and opinions. One good example that he mentioned was the differences between his high school and his son’s high school. How he learned Shakespeare in high school and how his son learn in high school. He had to memorize all the major cities but his son only had to write a love note letter to Romeo and Juliet. We will write a custom essay sample on We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to Think or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His son did not have to memorize anything like he did back in his high school time. By knowing the differences of Ho and his son’s high school year, I think Ho do not have any choice to shares his ideas. His son who wrote a love letter to Romeo and Juliet was more independence. He can share his ideas in the letter he wrote to Romeo and Juliet. Another great example was that United States produces the most advance technology. If United States did not have the best education, why would it be one of the most advance countries in the world? I think it is because people in the United States shares their ideas and opinions to everyone unlike Communist China people who only learn what the government wants them to learn and do not have much voice to share their opinions. One example Ho mentioned and I think it is not as strong as other examples is when he talked about the Japanese business men who send their child to private school staffed by Japanese teachers. In my opinion, it does not matter whether the school we are going to is private or public. One is not better than the other one. I also have a second thought that private school might be better if you know someone who is very smart and you hire that one person to educate your child. After all, I think it is mostly depends on your child. If your child is a hard-working person and spends their time wisely studying instead of spending time foolishly, they will learn and are smarter than those who spend their time foolishly. In conclusion, we should cherish our children’s freedom to think instead of giving your own opinions to your children. Let them share their ideas with yours and other people. Sharing ideas will lead our country into an even more advance country than it is now.
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